Manual Lymphatic Drainage


Lymphoedema Treatment

Lymphoedema is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues causing swelling of the limbs and other parts of the body.

It occurs when drainage routes through the lymphatic system become blocked or damaged, which may cause hardness of the tissues (fibrosis) and an increased risk of infection.

The sooner lymphoedema is diagnosed and treated the better the control of the condition. It is not curable but with early treatment it can be well managed and symptoms minimised.

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The treatment, where appropriate, includes MLD, limb volume measurements, compression garments or bandages (provided on prescription via GP), Kinesio Tape, deep oscillation therapy (Hivamat), exercise advice, self massage and lifestyle recommendations.

MLD is acknowledged by most insurance companies as an accepted form of treatment for lymphoedema following cancer surgery. Those patients who have insurance cover may be able to claim the cost of their treatment.  There are also charitable associations which may be able to help with funding a course of treatments.

Deep oscillation, also known as Hivamat, has been available in the UK since 2006. It is used by many MLD practitioners and lymphoedema therapists to enhance lymph drainage and help reduce swelling in patients with lymphoedema and lipoedema. It is an electrostatic therapy creating a gentle, resonant vibration produced by the use of gloves on a hand-held applicator. The effect is deep-acting on the tissues to a depth of 8cm.

It is non invasive, very relaxing and can also alleviate acute pain following injury and help with wound healing after surgery. Deep oscillation therapy can induce other clinical effects which have been documented, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, facial mobilisation and muscle relaxation.