Frequently Asked Questions
We hope that you will find these questions and answers useful. Please do contact us with any other queries you may have.
What should I expect at my first appointment ?
We ask that patients arrive early for their first appointment to fill in a new patient form relevant to their treatment. This is completed in the comfort of our large waiting room where refreshments are available. You will then have a brief consultation in the treatment room to review your medical history prior to your treatment.
I have just had joint replacement surgery, plastic surgery or another surgical procedure. How long should I wait before my first post-op MLD treatment?
MLD can be received as early as one day post-surgery. However, in our experience, most surgeons will provide you with a recommended date for your first appointment. Prior to this, we will contact your medical practitioner to confirm that MLD treatment is appropriate.
How often do I need to come in for MLD treatments post-surgery?
Post surgically, the ideal is two to three times during the first week and then weekly for the next few weeks. However, each patients needs are different and so we tailor your treatment plan to your recovery.
Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage a painful massage?
No! MLD is a very gentle, light and rhythmic form of massage. It uses no oils, creams or lotions and simply stretches the skin to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. It is very relaxing to receive and has an analgesic effect often during the treatment itself.
Who can benefit from MLD?
Everyone can benefit from MLD! It provides a boost to the immune system and so is particularly effective during the cold and flu season. It also helps to treat a broad spectrum of conditions, from sinusitis to fibromyalgia, migraines and more.
Can I bring someone in to my treatment with me?
Yes, we are happy to welcome someone to join you in the treatment room should you wish.
What should I do before and after my treatment?
Plan to eat lightly before your treatment and drink plenty of water afterwards. You may find you urinate more frequently, particularly after MLD since it is moving fluids out of the body. You may feel light-headed, headaches or sleepy after your treatment; these are all symptoms of the detox process and should pass after 24-48 hours.
I have private insurance can I claim for treatments?
This will depend on your insurance company and policy. The Alison Rostron Treatment Centre is a registered provider for most of the large medical insurance companies. Please contact your insurer to find out if your policy covers your treatment.